Charting the Growth of AI in Different Countries

Likhita Baswani , IIT Gandhinagar,

Shridhar Pawar , IIT Gandhinagar,

Paras Jain , IIT Gandhinagar,


Artificial intelligence first gained traction in 1950, when British computer scientist Alan Turing proposed a "imitation game" to see if a computer could deceive humans into thinking they were communicating with another human. Since then, exponentially faster and more powerful computers, as well as enormous and complicated data sets, have permitted the growth of AI.

Artificial Intelligence(AI) is a general-purpose technology(GPT) with several applications across a broad range of applications. AI's present enthralling trends are sweeping throughout all businesses and countries. It has the ability to recognise faces, drive self-driving cars, and improve online outcomes. It should come as no surprise that both established and developing countries are all concentrating on AI adoption in order to improve future possibilities and progress. The newest Science Report from the UNESCO shows how AI and robotics dominated scientific output in countries of all income levels from 2018 to 2019.

AI Research Publications by Countries

This dataset from Microsoft Academic Graph contains the information about the number of AI Research papers published by around 130 world's countries from the year 1980 to 2021.

The racing bars in the above video animation represent the competeing world countries to make it to the top in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Despite the notable overtaking of countries over each other, a fact worth recognizing is the overall boom in the number of AI research publications. This number has seen a significant growth from as least as around 20,000 total world publications in 1980 to lakhs of papers being published by a singe country in 2021.
The trends of AI world leaders is worth observing. Although United States had been a chart-topper right from the beginning, the country was put down by China in the years 2009 and 2010. It is interesting to note at this point that the top country of 2009-2010, China, could not even be sighted among the top 10 AI publishing countries in the 1980s. This development of China's AI research area is remarkable. However, the comeback of United States to the top of the world in 2011 speaks loud about the neck-to-neck competition.
India's AI research pattern, on the other hand, is quite contrasting to the other top countries. For instance, although China made it late with its entry to the top 10 category, it never left thereafter. Whereas, India made an exit from being a top country between 1997 and 2004. However, India's rise thereafter is significant as it made to being the fourth top country publishing the maximum number of AI papers.

The timeseries plotted above shows the growth of world's current top 6 countries in terms of their AI research publications over the years. The plot steadily explains more details about the racing bar chart above. Apart from the US topping the world, China taking over between 2008 and 2011, and India's notable rise after 2004, another interesting observation that could not be missed upon in the downfall of China's publications from 2011 to 2015. Despite the downfall, China retained it's top third position given the large buffer it created for itself. For the same reason, this downfall couldn't be noted in the earlier chart race.

United States - China - India: The Case Study

The United States has continually been the leader in the publication of AI-related academic papers. China, on the other hand, has increased its output in recent years. Between 2016 and 2019, China's AI-related research production surged by little over 120 percent, while output in the United States increased by almost 70 percent.

The production of a research paper is influenced by a number of elements. Let's have a look at them and see India performed in comparison with current leaders:

  1. India outperforms other countries in terms of engineering degrees, and is on level with China and the United States. The United States and China, on the other hand, have more PhD holders. In 2016-17, the number of PhD holders in India was one-third that of the United States and one-fifth that of China, according to CSET data. India's talent pipeline is clogged by a shortage of PhD programmes, thus reducing research output and IP generation.

  2. Despite the fact that India produces a large number of AI publications, only 16% of these research articles were written in collaboration with a foreign author. According to the CSET research, a lack of international collaboration could be attributed to a lack of AI funding for international work, a disparity in academic standards, bias towards developing-country scholars, bureaucratic barriers, institutional support, and so on. The majority of the significant advances in China's AI research in recent decades may be credited to worldwide cooperation, according to data. Not only in AI, but also in many other STEM sectors, the United States and China have become the largest research alliances, allowing China to catch up to richer countries.

  3. India is severely lacking in the infrastructure required to develop advanced AI/ML systems. To advance, AI systems require specialised computer chips, which India does not currently produce. India has only three of the world's top 500 supercomputers. Whereas, China and the United States have 215 and 113, respectively.

AI Research Publications by Institutions

This dataset from Microsoft Academic Graph contains the information about the number of AI Research papers published by ten of the world's famous institutions from the year 1980 to 2021.

The timeseries plotted above shows the rise in research area of world's top 6 institutions in the field of Artificial Intelligence. While Chinese Academy of Sciences and Tsinghua University have seen a striking growth in AI Research, the other universities maintained their consistency in the number of publications.

The Revenue-Research Correspondence

Now on, we will study the inter-relation between the number of AI Research Publications in a country and its Gross Domestic Product(GDP) per capita. The following dataset from MAG consists of the number of AI Research Publications, GDP Per Capita, and Total number of Research Publications in each country over the years.

NOTE: Hover over the country bubbles for more information

Two major observations can be drawn from the above animation:

  1. Although funding and investment are vital for research development, economic wealth alone has not necessarily led to increase research in AI in the past decade. For instance, countries like Norway, Denmark, and Ireland have less than 20,000 AI Rsearch publications in 2021 despite having the higher GDP Per Capita.
  2. China and India are the only two among the top 10 world countries publishing the highest number of AI Research publications with their GDP per capita in lower-middle income levels. This can be justified by their higher populations and net resources.

From the above-mentioned observations, one thing is pretty clear that the growth rate of AI in the US is immensely higher than that of Europe. The primary reason behind this is that the United States has access to large data sets for training machine-learning algorithms. Europe, on the other hand, has strict data protection rules that safeguard people's privacy. These strict data protection laws limit the number of resources available to train AI systems leading to uncertainty on whether Europe will ever be able to compete with the US in terms of the growth of AI by generating very complex algorithms. The application of AI systems' knowledge to actual problems, rather than academic concerns, drives the improvement of AI systems. Countries will most likely achieve progress by deploying AI in domains where they currently excel.